
b. 1986, HK.

I graduated from Texas State University in 2020, earning a BFA in Painting and a BA in Art History, with minors in honors studies and Spanish. I am seeking opportunities to deepen my understanding of myself, painting, and the world before attending graduate school.

My work is about finding meaning and navigating through an absurd world. My paintings are a visual representation of this inexplicable internal experience that I aim to replicate through initiating a synthetic experience between the work and viewer, relying on sympathy. I experiment with color’s influential abilities, and how the use of extremely saturated colors hijack the human brain through an intense visual experience. This tension is enhanced through the visual imagery, which represents a suspension of breath. The highly incorporated elements of color, figure, and material are calculatedly disorienting, and function inextricably as they work together to make up the painting. 

As humans, a relationship with one’s self is something that is universally experienced to some degree, and this experience can take endless forms. I aim to portray a disconnect, when one’s headspace and physical presence seem to be suffering incompatibility. This idea has roots in an existentialist idea known as “the existentialist attitude,” or a sense of disorientation, confusion, or dread in the face of a meaningless world. Rather than pessimistically, the opportunity to create meaning and define existence is represented positively through my work. I present numerous dualities to the viewer to experience and interpret: breath and suffocation, life and death, meaning and absurdity.